Mae cymaint o ganeuon a hwiangerddi i’w wneud ac anifeiliaid. Mae’r byd yn llawn rhyfeddodau i ddargnafod. Pa gwell ffordd i’w cyflwyno iddynt, na trwy caneuon am anifieiliad (a thipyn o mŵ mŵ, me me, cwac cwac).
There are huge numbers of songs and nursery rhymes about animals. The natural world is full of wonderful experiences for children, and what better way to get them interested than through nursery rhymes featuring animals (and perhaps making some oinks, quacks and moos).

Aderyn bach syw
The laden little bird

Ble'r ei di?
Where will you go?

Carlo -
Ceiliog bach y dandi
The dandy little rooster -
Ceiliog coch
Red rooster -
Cwcw lon
The happy cookoo

Dacw ti yn eistedd
There you are sitting -
Dau dderyn bach
Two small birds -
Dau gi bach
Two small dogs -
Deryn y Bwn o'r Banna
A Bittern bird from the Beacons

Fferm tadcu
Grandad's farm -
Fferm yr Hafod
Hafod farm

Gee ceffyl bach
Gee Little Horse -
Gwenynen fach
A little bee

Hai’r ceffyl bach
"Hey!" the small horse

I fewn i’r arch â nhw
Into the ark they go -
Iâr fach bert
Small pretty hen -
Iâr fach wen
A small white hen

Llwynog coch sy'n cysgu
Red fox is sleeping

Mae gen i ddafad gorniog
I have a horned sheep -
Mi brynais iâr a cheiliog
A bought a hen and cockerel -
Mi welais jac y do
The Jackdaw -
Mochyn bach yn mynd i'r farchnad
Little pig going to the market -
Mynd ar y ceffyl
Go on the horse

Noson oer
A cold night

Oes gafr eto?
Is there another goat?

Pe cawn i fod
If I could be -
Pori mae yr asyn
The donkey is grazing

Rew di ranno
Reh-w dee ran-o -
Robin goch
Red robin

Sŵn yr anifeiliaid
Sounds of the animals

'Tasa gen i ful bach
If I had a little mule -
Tair hwyaden lon
Three happy ducks -
Ton, ton, ton!
Ton ton ton!

Un gath fach
One kitten

Y broga bach
The little frog -
Yr hwyaid bach
The little ducks
- Darganfyddwch fwy o ganeuon yn ein mynegai llawn
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