Croeso i – y wefan sydd wedi dod o hyd i ganeuon plant Cymraeg (traddodiadol a modern) a’i rhoi i gyd mewn un man - 173 o ganeuon a dal i gyfrif. Dewiswch un o’r caneuon isod a dechreuwch fwynhau'r canu, neu dewiswch un or categoriau uchod i ddarganfod caneuon sy’n perthnasol yw gilydd – nai llai trwy thema, achlywir, math, ayyb.
Mae’r erthygl a ddangosodd ar Wales Online (saesneg), yn trafod pwysigrwydd hwiangerddi at datblygiad eich plentyn ac yn rhoi gyngor o sut i gael hwyl drwy ganu.
Welcome to - where we are trying to gather the most complete collection of Welsh language nursery rhymes anywhere - 173 songs and counting. Please go ahead and select one of the nursery rhymes listed below, and start singing. Or choose a category above to see other groupings.
This Wales online article contains more information about the importance of nursery rhymes to help with your child's development and for some tips on how to make singing them even more fun.

Awn am dro i Frest Pen Coed
We go for a walk to Brest Pen Coed

Bachgen bach o dincer
A little tinker boy -
Bonheddwr mawr o'r Bala
A large gentleman from Bala -
Bwgan brain
The scarecrow -
Bwrw glaw

Ceiliog bach y dandi
The dandy little rooster -
Cwcw lon
The happy cookoo -
Cysga di
Go to sleep

Dacw mam yn dŵad
There's mummy coming -
Dau gi bach
Two small dogs -
Daw hyfryd fis
The lovely month will come -
Deryn y Bwn o'r Banna
A Bittern bird from the Beacons

Fuoch chi erioed yn morio?
Have you ever been sailing?

Fferm tadcu
Grandad's farm

Gee ceffyl bach
Gee Little Horse -
Gwen a Mair ac Elin
Gwen and Mair and Elin

Hen fenyw fach Cydweli
Little old lady of Kidwelly -
Heno, heno, hen plant bach
Tonight, tonight, little children -
Hicori Dicori Doc
Hickory Dickory Dock -
Hwyl fawr ffrindiau
Goodbye friends

I fewn i’r arch â nhw
Into the ark they go -
Iâr fach bert
Small pretty hen

Lliwiau enfys
Colours of the rainbow -
Llwynog coch sy'n cysgu
Red fox is sleeping

Mae gen i het tri chornel
I have a three cornered hat -
Mi welais jac y do
The Jackdaw -
Mi welais long yn hwylio
I saw a ship sailing -
Migldi magldi
Miguldee maguldee -
Mynd ar y ceffyl
Go on the horse -
Mynd drot drot
Go trot trot

Oes gafr eto?
Is there another goat? -
Olwynion ar y bws
The wheels on the bus -
Os gwelwch chi'n dda ga' i grempog?
Please may I have a pancake?

Pedoli pedoli
To shoe, to shoe -
Pen, ysgwyddau, coesau, traed
Head, shoulders, legs feet -
Pum crocodeil
Five crocodiles -
Pwsi Meri Mew
Pussy Meri Mew -
Pwy sy'n dwad dros y bryn
Who is coming over the hill

Rew di ranno
Reh-w dee ran-o -
Robin ddiog / Tŷ Bach Twt
Lazy Robin / Tidy Little House -
Robin goch
Red robin

Si hei lwli 'mabi
See hey loo-lee my baby -
Suo gân
Lullaby -
Sŵn yr anifeiliaid
Sounds of the animals

Tap tap
Tap tap -
Troi ein dwylo
Roll our hands

Un a dau a thri banana
One and two and three bananas -
Un bys dau fys
One finger, two fingers -
Un bys, un bawd yn symud
One finger, one thumb
- Darganfyddwch fwy o ganeuon yn ein mynegai llawn
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