Y deryn pur
Aderyn pur â'r adain las, bydd i mi'n was dibryder,
O brysur brysia at y ferch lle rhoes i'm serch a’m hyder
Dos di ati, dywed wrthi, 'mod i'n wylo dŵr yr heli;
'Mod i'n irad am ei gwelad, ac o'i chariad yn ffaelu â cherddad,
O Dduw faddeuo'r hardd ei llun am boeni dyn mor galad.
Pan o'wn i'n hoenus iawn fy hwyl, ddiwrnod gŵyl yn gwylio,
Canfyddais fenyw lana 'rioed, ar ysgafn droed yn rhodio.
Pan fe’i gwelais, syth mi sefais, yn fy nghalon mi feddyliais:
Dyma ddynas lana'r deyrnas, a'i gwên yn harddu’r oll o'i chwmpas,
Ni fynswn gredu'r un dyn byw nad oedd hi rhyw angyles.
The pure bird
Pure bird with blue wings, will be a carefree servant to me,
Oh busy rush to the girl I gave my heart and confidence
Go to her, tell her that I’m weeping salty tears;
That I am longing to see her, and from her love failing to walk,
O Lord forgive her beauty for causing pain to a man so tough.
When I was cheerful in my spirit, watching a festival day,
I discovered the purest girl there ever was, strolling lightly.
When I saw her, I immediately stopped, in my heart I thought:
This is the fairest lady in the kingdom, with a smile beautifying all around her,
I wouldn’t believe a man alive that she was not some angel.