Logo Hwiangerddi dot Cymru


Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?

Pa beth a wneuthum, O Myfanwy,
I haeddu gwg dy ddwyrudd hardd?
Ai chwarae oeddit, O Myfanwy
 thanau euraidd serch dy fardd?
Wyt eiddo im drwy gywir amod
Ai gormod cadw'th air i mi?
Ni cheisiaf fyth mo'th law, Myfanwy,
Heb gael dy galon gyda hi.

Myfanwy boed yr holl o'th fywyd
Dan heulwen disglair canol dydd.
A boed i rosyn gwridog iechyd
I ddawnsio ganmlwydd ar dy rudd.
Anghofia'r oll o'th addewidion
A wnest i rywun, 'ngeneth ddel,
A dyro'th law, Myfanwy dirion
I ddim ond dweud y gair "Ffarwél".

gan Joseph Parry (1841 - 1903)


Why the anger, Oh Myfanwy (Muh-van-wee),
filling your black eyes?
Your gentle cheeks, Oh Myfanwy,
not blushing at the sight of me?
Where is the smile that was on your lips
That was lighting my foolish faithful love?
Where is the sound of your sweet words,
That pulled my heart after you?

What did we do, Oh Myfanwy,
To deserve a scowl on your beautiful cheeks?
Were you playing, Oh Myfanwy
To set your poet’s love aflame?
You belong to me through fair condition
Is it too much to keep your word to me?
I will not try for your hand, Myfanwy,
Without having your heart as well.

Myfanwy may you spend the whole of your life
under the shining sun of noon.
And may the healthy glowing rose
dance for a century on your cheek.
Forget the whole of your promises
you made to someone, my pretty girl,
And give your hand, kind Myfanwy
just to say the word"Farewell".

by Joseph Parry (1841 - 1903)



Fel siaradwr ail iaith gyda phlentyn bach, sylweddolais na wyddem y geiriau na’r tonau i’r hwiangerddi Cymraeg. Bu rhaid i mi eu ddysgu gair am air a nodyn wrth nodyn oddi wrth fy ngwraig amyneddgar, tra bod hi’n canu i'm merch fach. Rwy’n siwr nad wyf ar fy hun yn y sefyllfa yma, felly creuais i’r wefan yma i geisio helpu fy hun ac eraill.

I built this website because (as a second language Welsh speaker) I neither know the words nor the tunes to any Welsh language nursery rhymes, and am learning them slowly and painfully from my wonderful and patient wife as we sing them to my wonderful daughter. Thank you both for your patience with your tone deaf father / husband, and I hope this resource helps some others out there in my position.


Polisi cwcis

Ni ddefnwyddir cwcis ar y wefan yma (heblaw y mewnblaniadau SoundCloud). Er rydyn ni yn achlysurol yn mwynau cwci gyda phaned o de tra’n canu ei’n hoff hwiangerddi, ni dderbyniwn unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am unrhyw ddifrod gysylltiedig â cwcis

This website doesn't use cookies (although the SoundCloud embeds look like they do). We do however enjoy the occasional cookie and cuppa while enjoying singing some of our favourate nursery rhymes. But please don't overdo it, we cannot accept any responsibility for cookie related injuries or illness.