Hen wraig fach
Hen wraig fach yn byw yn y Cwm,
dillad carpiog a chlocsie trwm,
roedd ganddi lo o'r enw Twm,
un tila iawn ers talwm.
Hen wraig fach yn rhoi llaeth i'r llo,
yntau'n gwrthod ei gymryd o.
Wel, dyma hi yn mynd o'i cho';
o bobol! 'roedd 'na labio.
Hen lo bach yn mynd nerth 'i draed;
hithau'n gweiddi “Yn eno'r Tad!”
wrth ddilyn llo ar draws y wlad;
ow ffrindiau dyna brofiad.
Little old lady
Little old lady living in the valley,
tattered clothes and heavy clogs,
she had a calf called Twm,
he’s been puny for ages.
Little old lady giving milk to the calf,
he's refusing to take it.
Well, she lost her temper;
oh crikey! There was a lot of slapping.
Little old calf fleeing as fast as he can;
she's screaming “in the name of the father!”
whilst chasing the calf across the country;
ow friends, what an experience.